“Cercetarea chestiunii, dacă Pământul în rotaţia lui în jurul axei, prin care produce alternarea zilei şi a nopţii, a suferit vreo schimbare de la primele timpuri ale originii sale şi cum am putea fi siguri de aceasta, temă propusă de Academia Regală de Ştiinţe din Berlin pentru premiul anului în curs.” Revista de Filosofie 65.1: 103-7. “Recherche sur la question de savoir si la terre a subi depuis les premiers temps de son origine quelque modification dans sa rotation axiale.” īoboc, Alexandru, tr. “Indagine sul quesito se la Terra, nel ruotare attorno al proprio asse, da cui produce l'alternarsi del giorno e della notte, abbia subito un qualche cambiamento dalla sua origine e su come si possa essere certi di questo.” “En undersökning av frågan: Har jordens rotation runt sin axel, varigenom växlingen mellan dag och natt uppkommer, genomgått någon förändring sedan de första tiderna för dess uppkomst, vilken skulle orsaken till denna kunna vara och hur kan man förvissa sig därom?” ĭe Bianchi, Silvia, tr. “Cercetarea chestiunii, dacă Pământul în rotaţia lui în jurul axei, prin care ia naştere alternarea zilei şi a nopţii, a suferit vreo schimbare de la primele timpuri ale originii sale, de care am putea fi asiguraţi anticipat cercetare care pentru anul în curs a fost pusă ca Premiu de către Academia Regală de Ştiinţe din Berlin.” “Examination of the Question whether the Rotation of the Earth on its Axis, by which it Brings About the Alternation of Day and Night, has Undergone any Change Since its Origin, and How One Can be Certain of This, which was set by the Royal Academy of Sciences in Berlin as the Prize Question for the Current Year.” īoboc, Alexandru, tr. “Próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy ruch wirowy Ziemi wokół własnej osi, dzięki któremu zachodzi zmiana dnia i nocy, uległ jakimś zmianom od czasu jej powstania oraz dzięki czemu można się o tym przekonać, która w mijającym roku została poddana ocenie Królewskiej Akademii Nauk w Berlinie.” “Examination of the Question Whether the Earth has Undergone an Alteration of its Axial Rotation.” Edited by Stefano Veneron with facing German text. Pensieri sulla vera valutazione delle forze vive.

Translation into English, based on Kant (1747). “Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living Forces.” “Myśli o prawdziwej mierze sił żywych oraz ocena dowodów, którymi w tej spornej kwestii posługiwał się Leibniz i inni mechaniści wraz z kilkoma wstępnymi uwagami dotyczącymi sił ciał w ogóle.” Įdwards, Jeffrey B., and Martin Schönfeld, trs. Pisa/Rom: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali. Edited by Ivano Petrocchi with a preface by Silvestro Marcucci. Bern / Frankfurt am Main / New York / Paris: Peter Lang.

Traducción y Comentario de Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles. Pensamientos sobre la verdadera estimacion de las fuerzas vivas. Translation into Spanish Palacios notes that the work is mistitled. Principios Metafísicos da las Ciencias Naturales. Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek ,īibliothéque nationale de France, Catalogo del servizio bibliotecario nazionale – a longer list is given here), a publisher’s website, a review attached to the entry, or one of the “translation bibliographies” listed at the bottom of this page.
Sources: Each entry is based directly on a paper copy or digital pdf of the text (indicated with an ) when one is available otherwise the source is a database (such as This small coding feature with “(year/language)” makes comparative searches in a web browser relatively simple and reliable. The entries are color coded by language, and the language is also indicated with the publication year: Individual writings can be located in the chronological list below, or else by using this alphabetized index, which includes variant English titles. Missing links mean that I’ve not yet located the more specific information. A collection is any publication that includes a translation of more than one of Kant’s writings, and every translation found in one of these collections is also included in the primary list of translations (and linked to their separate entries). Many translations are published in a collection or as part of a more comprehensive collected works of Kant in translation. These are listed chronologically by date of the original Kant publication, and then by date of the translation publication. This bibliography of Kant’s writings in translation – in perpetual development – aims to include the first edition (and significantly revised editions) of each translation of Kant’s published writings, as well as of his Nachlaß, correspondence, and the student lecture notes.